Horizontal Spacing
Vertical Spacing
Row Bus Factor [0-1]
Column Bus Factor [0-1]
Children Placement
Leafs Placement

The tip-over tree layout is a tree layout, which uses shapes provided data to determine whether the vertex children should be placed in a row, column or 2 columns. It produces orthogonal tree drawings. The layout satisfies to the following aesthetic criterias:

  • No edge crossings - edges do not cross each other.
  • No vertex-vertex overlaps - vertices do not overlap each other.
  • No vertex-edge overlaps - vertices do not overlap edges.
  • Compactness - you can optimize the compactness of the drawing in both the breadth and depth dimensions of the the tree by setting the Compact property to true.

You can change the tha way the children and the leafs are placed using the corresponding properties. You can also set the children placement for the children of each vertex individually using the TipOverChildrenPlacement property in the LayoutData collection of the shape.

This type of layout is typically used in Org Charts, but can also be used in all cases where classical tree layouts (e.g. layouts with uniform parent placement) do not produce width/height ratio compact results.

In this example the nodes whose children are arranged in cols are highlighted with orange.