The Nevron JavaScript Framework comes with Debug and Release builds. The Release
build is selected by default. This example makes use of the Debug build, which
aids the developer to diagnose run-time issues, emerging from possible unexpected
interaction with third-party JavaScript code.
When using the Release build, all errors that could be generated
from within the Nevron JavaScript Framework code are silently ignored.
When using the Debug build, errors are reported via a Debug Console, which
can be displayed as a pop-up window or embedded into the current HTML page.
The Debug Console and an Object Inspector are also available
in Release mode for use by the JavaScript developer, to assist
in the programming and extending of the Nevron web components.
To explore the diagnostic capabilities of the Nevron JavaScript Framework,
please select one of the links. A code snippet will appear in the text box.
Click on the "Execute Code" button to see the effect of the generated code.